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Growing the BEST little Farmers’ Market in Southern Alberta

Thursdays 2-6PM


Brooks Farmers’ Market is located downtown in beautiful Veteran’s Park. A beautiful setting to enjoy a day together.



Shoppers can engage with the artisans and farmers. Getting to know, like, trust, and taste . . . Apple Pie 😋

Every Thursday shopping begins when the bell rings to open the market at 2:00 until 6:00PM.


T.ourist attraction

Music, food trucks, special events and us 😁. These are the attraction’s that let tourists experience the culture of the Brooks Region.

You deserve a break!

Plan a Thursday afternoon . . .

Or people, friends, family, maybe someone new every Thursday.

Pick your person

Plan a quick meet-up at the opening bell at 2PM or stroll and shop until the closing bell at 6PM.

Pick a time

Enjoy a break in Downtown Brooks in beautiful Veteran’s Park located beside City Hall.

Enjoy a break


Or plan a Special Market visit!

The Brooks Farmers’ Market is the first Alberta Approved Farmers’ Market to have a nutrition program.

The Brooks Farmers’ Market FOOD Money Program is a food insecurity initiative (putting food into hungry bellies) that supports farmers’ markets (bringing people to the market) and strengthens food security (keeping farmers farming). This program was first made possible by Community Foundation of Southeastern Alberta Community Impact Award. Since then Brooks Alliance Church, EcoBrooks and the Newell Christian Community have donated funds enabling us to continue this impactful program in our community.

“Better each year! Great vibe and extremely well organized!!!”

2024 Season Highlights

to be continued 😁 . . .

Approved Farmers' Market

Proud member

Funding from Brooks Newell Joint Services

Support from Brooks Region Tourism